Online booking for Hajar Dokhanchi (RMT) has limited openings now. However, if you want to be added to my cancelation list or to request a specific appointment time please feel free to email me or text me. My email address is You can also text 519 694 6147. My online booking calendar will be opened up gradually throughout the year. Find "Hajar Massage Therapy" on Google to read my ratings and reviews. Hajar's signature massage includes: Deep tissue work, fascia stretch therapy/MAT, light joint mobilization, active release, muscle energy techniques, diaphragm release, jaw massage, finishing with a scalp massage and aromatherapy. ** I respectfully ask for at least 24 hrs notice of cancellation. If there is a No show or Late cancellation you may be charged the full cost of treatment time as booked** ** With frequent cancellations and/or Lateness, online booking access will be closed**